Normandy bucket list road trip

Normandy Bucket list Road Trip

A trip to France isn’t complete without visiting the Normandy Region. With its extensive coastline, and charming little towns and villages, you’d be surprised to discover so much history in this region beyond what happened in World War II.

Our bucket list road trip through Normandy takes us to the some of the most charming villages in the region, which includes the medieval towns of Rouen and Caen.

The coastal towns of Etretat and Honfleur, and the magnificent Mont Saint Michel. We also visit some of the World War two historic sites, including the Normandy American Memorial Cemetery.

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Normandy Road Trip

Caen France

Our bucket list trip to Normandy starts out in the town of Caen. One of the highlights in this historic town is the 11th century Chateau de Caen.

The Chateau de Caen is one of the largest medieval fortresses of Western Europe, and was also used as a barracks during World War II.

Bullets holes are still visible in the walls of the fortress, and today it is home to the Normandy museum and the Museum of fine arts.

You can stroll through the fortress and get great panoramic views of the city from here.

Normandy bucket list road trip

The Abbey of Saint Étienne

There are also a few other places worth visiting in Caen, which includes the Abbaye aux Hommes (Men’s Abbey) and the Abbaye aux Dames (Women’s Abbey).

William fell out with the pope when he married his cousin Matilda of Flanders, and ordered the two Abbeys to be built to please him.

You can visit the Abbaye aux hommes, now called the Abbey of Saint-Étienne and visit William the Conquerors tomb inside the church.

There is also a wonderful garden in the middle courtyard which was so beautiful.

Normandy bucket list road trip
Normandy bucket list road trip
William the Conquerors tomb
Normandy bucket list road trip
Caen Town Square

Rouen France

Our next stop on our road trip through Normandy is to Rouen, the capital of the northern region of Normandy.

Rouen is known for its Gothic churches and medieval town center, and was also the location of where Joan of Arc was burned at the stake!

In the historic medieval quarters of Rouen you will find beautiful half-timbered buildings lining the streets, and they are just so beautiful.

Normandy bucket list road trip
Place Du Vieux Marche

There are also quite a few gothic churches within the town square. One in particular is the contemporary church to Joan of Arc, located at Place du Vieux Marché.

The church was built in the area where she was burned at the stake, and a cross now stands in place that marks the exact spot. It was one of the most interesting and unique churches we’ve visited.

Normandy bucket list road trip
The interior of the Joan of Arc church
Normandy bucket list road trip
Normandy bucket list road trip

Don’t miss the Gross Horloge, one of Europe’s oldest astronomical clock located on and archway on the Rue du Gros Horloge in the old quarters of Rouen.

This area is so beautiful and is a great place to shop or just sit in one of the cafes and people watch. 

We also visit Rouen Cathedral, built in the 12th century on the foundation of a 4th century basilica.

It has one of the tallest spires in France and contains the tombs of Richard the Lionheart, the Duke of Normandy. It is one of the most beautiful cathedrals and worth a visit. 

Normandy bucket list road trip
The Gros Horloge Astronomical clock

Honfleur France

Our next stop in Normandy is to the city of Honfleur, which is known for its picturesque port, the Vieux Bassin, characterized by its houses with slate-covered frontages.

This scene has been painted many times by impressionist artists including, Claude Monet and Eugene Boudin, and is so stunning!

We stayed here for a couple of days and totally fell in love with it’s colorful half-timbered buildings and quaint little shops and restaurants.

You can read more about Honfleur on our blog here!

Normandy bucket list road trip

Etretat France

We now make our way to the coastal town of Etretat in Normandy, which is known for its striking rock formations carved out of its white cliffs.

Monet and other impressionist painters famously painted this scenery and is a popular day-trip destination.

Normandy bucket list road trip

The beautiful turquoise waters made us feel like we were somewhere tropical, instead of the Northern part of France, which was so unexpected.

This was one of the most stunning places we’ve seen in this region, we were blown away the moment we drove in. 

We spent the whole day here, but wish we had stayed the night.  If you ever make it to Normandy, this place is a must see!

Read more about our visit to Etretat France on the blog here

Normandy bucket list road trip
Normandy bucket list road trip

Mont Saint Michel

Another bucket list place we visit during our road trip through Normandy is Mont Saint Michel.

Mont Saint Michel is a Gothic-style Benedictine abbey located on an island in Normandy at the mouth of the Couesnon River.

The island was conceived in a dream by the bishop of Avranches. Legends say the Archangel Michael appeared to him to build a church on this rocky island and has since been a major pilgrimage site and considered a holy place.

We stayed here for a night, but you can easily see this place in a few hours. It’s an easy daytrip from Paris and is a must see.

You can read more about our visit to Mont Saint Michel here

Normandy bucket list road trip

Normandy War sites

Normandy American Memorial Cemetery

Our road trip through Normandy takes us to the Normandy American Memorial cemetery.

Located in Coleville-Sur Mer, the Memorial honors American troops who died in Europe during World War II. It is one of the first American cemeteries on European soil, and the most visited.

The Visitors center is a perfect place to start before entering the Memorial.

The entrance is free and it was nice to learn more about the history through the exhibits and by watching a few films.

Normandy bucket list road trip
Normandy American Memorial Cemetery Visitors Center

Making our way towards the Memorial, the feeling of peace and serenity engulfs you.

Walking through the Memorial and seeing the white crosses, which are all facing towards America, was such an emotional experience.

Getting to honor these brave soldiers was always something my husband wanted to do and it was quite an experience we will never forget!

Normandy bucket list road trip
Normandy bucket list road trip

Omaha Beach

Just a short drive away from the American Memorial Cemetery is Omaha Beach.

One of the Normandy landings used by Allied forces during the D-Day invasion of World War II.

This is where the Allies lost the majority of their troops during the first battle “Operation Overlord” on June 6, 1944. 

Normandy bucket list road trip

On the shore, the stainless-steel sculpture Les Braves commemorates the Allied forces who have landed on the beach and have lost their lives.

It was such a beautifully made sculpture that honors the courage and sacrifices of these brave men.

Old German bunkers still remain on the coastline and you can actually enter one and imagine what it must have been like back then.

There are also a few museums in the area documenting the invasion, such as the Musée Mémorial d’Omaha Beach and the Overlord Museum that displays WWII tanks, artillery and dioramas.

The museums were pretty cool, seeing the many World War II artifacts made for a more dramatic experience during our road trip through Normandy. 

Normandy bucket list road trip

Juno Beach

Juno beach was one of five beaches of the Allied invasion of German-occupied France in the Normandy landings during the Second World War.

Taking Juno was the Canadian Army’s responsibility back then and now a memorial stands in place that honors them.

The memorial was beautifully made, with two World War II tanks on display at the entrance, it was pretty cool!

Normandy bucket list road trip

Pointe du Hoc

We also made a point to visit Pointe Du Hoc, which is just a short drive away from the Omaha Beach area.

Located on a promontory on a cliff overlooking the English Channel, the fortification was part of the Atlantic Wall.

The German Army fortified this area with concrete casemates and gun pits until it was captured by the US Army Rangers after scaling the cliffs.

Normandy bucket list road trip
Normandy bucket list road trip

Today there is now a memorial and museum dedicated to the battle. Many of the original fortifications have been left in place as well as bunkers and observation decks.

Seeing the many bomb craters throughout was such a poignant reminder of such a tragic part of history.

Getting to actually step foot into one of the worlds greatest battlefronts was one of the best experience during our road trip through Normandy.

Normandy bucket list road trip

Coleville Sur-Mer

During our visit to the Normandy area, we stayed in the quiet village of Colleville-Sur-Mer, located right outside the American Memorial Cemetery entrance.

As you drive through Colleville-Sur Mer’s Main Street, you will find many buildings destroyed during World War II still standing, including the Notre Dame de l’Assomption church that has been restored.

Normandy bucket list road trip

Where to stay in Normandy

During our bucket list road trip through Normandy, we stayed in a few different cities in the region.

We used Rouen as our base for exploring the Northern region of Normandy, and Honfleur when visiting the coastal towns.

We loved our stay at Domaine de l’Hostréière when visiting the American Memorial cemetery, and the World War two sites. It was located outside the gates of the Cemetery and close to all the War sites.

We also stayed the night at Mont Saint Michel during our visit, and I highly recommend it. You can also use Bayeux as your base when exploring the Normandy region as it is centrally located.

Book your hotel in Normandy here: